9 Powerful Prayers For Faith And Trust In God

9 Powerful Prayers For Faith And Trust In God


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Let’s Pray

Prayer to the God of Possibilities:

Father, Healer, Healer-Healer, Healer-Healer I put my trust and faith in You because I know that with You, nothing is impossible. I know You will make a way when there is none, just as You told Sarah about Isaac’s impending birth. You resurrected Lazarus from the dead. You gave the dry bones flesh again, and then you breathed life into them. Father, I praise You for looking out for Your people. You are the same God you were then and now. I believe in Your hand’s power. I have faith in Your intervention. The criticisms have been hushed by my mind. I can’t hear the skeptics. All I can hear is You, Father. What harm can I do if I walk with You? Amen.

Prayer for My Doubt:

Jesus, my Redeemer, You came to earth to help me and told me to believe in You. You told that if I have faith, I may tell the mountain, “Go, throw yourself into the water,” and it will happen. My mind understands that if I believe, trust, and have faith in You, I will receive everything I request in Your holy name. I have faith in You, Jesus. I think You are the Lord. You are the Most High God. You are the one who created Heaven and Earth. Remove my skepticism, Jesus. Take everything away. Please assist my skepticism. I surrender myself over to Your righteous hands. Amen.

Unwavering Faith Prayer:

I place my trust in You, O God, my Strength. You have never abandoned those who come to You. You’ve never disappointed me. I know You will never let me down because my life has been a testament to Your greatness. Shape me in Your image, and keep me close to You. Show me how to grow as a Christian and strengthen my faith walk. Keep my faith in You strong so that it never wavers, no matter what trials I experience on this earth. I declare that my devotion to You will be unwavering at all times. Amen.

Fear-Breaking Prayer

God of the Armies of Heaven, When I am terrified, You tell me to put my trust in You. Dear God, I am terrified. I am terrified of what is going on in my life. I’m concerned about my future. I’m worried about my family. I’m feeling helpless. I’m having trouble breathing. Around me, the walls are closing in. I can sense the enemy approaching, and I need Your help. Dear God, come within me and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I need You right now! Assist me in putting my trust in You. I am grateful to You for being my rock and shield. Thank You for being my God, in whom I have complete faith. I applaud You because You were faithful to me even while I was unfaithful. You never altered or abandoned Your love for me. God, I adore You. Amen.

Strengthening Prayer:

You declare that I should have faith in You, O Lord, Mighty in Power, so that I shall be upheld. Yes, Mighty Lord. I have complete faith in You. You give me strength. Your divine power keeps my spirit alive and burning for You. I know that with You at my side, I can overcome any obstacle. Thank You for sticking by Your selected people. Thank You for leading my life and assisting me in being a vessel for Your will. I pray that I keep putting my confidence and trust in You since You know everything. You know what Your people’s hearts require, and I know You will see me through everything this world throws at me. Amen.

Faithful Prayer:

King of Kings, Jesus, You claim that the just man will live by faith. Make me in Your likeness, and fill my heart with trust in You. Guide my behaviors so that I can live by faith and enjoy an abundant and eternal life in You. Dear God, cleanse my mind of contaminants. Keep my gaze fixated on You and only You. Help me to remain firm in my faith in You and Your Scriptures so that I might live right in Your sight. Amen.

Gratitude Prayer:

Precious Jesus, I can approach You with freedom and confidence because of You and my faith in You! I thank You, Jesus, for allowing me to do so, despite the fact that I am unworthy and undeserving of Your presence. Thank you for making it possible for me to come to God. Thank You for constantly hearing my heart’s screams. Show me how to be as devoted to You as You are to me. I believe in You with all of my heart, soul, and intellect. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer to the All-Powerful “I AM”:

You are the tremendous “I AM,” Almighty Son of God. You keep Your promises and will defeat my adversaries, no matter how numerous and powerful they are. Because I walk in your holy presence, I will not be discouraged. Because You are my God, I shall live in Your strength and courage. I trust You and Your word because I know Your word never fails. I thank You for the countless promises You have made to me throughout my life, and I put my trust in You. Amen

Grace’s Prayer:

Father All-Powerful, I bow before You because You are magnificent and deserving of all praise. Your word says that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! I have complete faith in You. You are my only God. You are my sole source of delight. You are both my heart and soul. You are the grass beneath my feet as well as the sky above. Father, you are both seen and unseen. Keep me always at Your right hand, fill me with Your grace, and make me Yours for the days of my life. Amen.


In Jesus’ Name. Amen!.

In our lives, there are many changing seasons. We go from feeling joyful and close to the Lord, to grieving and feeling like he is distant. We wrestle with our doubts and questions, wondering if God even hears us or if he is even real. Our faith decreases when we look around us, not up God and His purpose. No Christian goes through this life without feeling weak in their faith at times, but we all can take comfort in knowing our God is Immanuel– He is with us in every season, whether good or bad.


Original Prayer By DailyPrayer

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