Prayer points for the lost tags:How do you pray for a lost soul?, How do you pray for restoration?, How do I get my stolen destiny back?, What verse is the salvation prayer?, Prayer points on restoration with Bible Verses, Prayer points for manifestation of God’s glory, Prayer points to recover all, Restoration prayers in the Bible, Prayer for destiny recovery, Midnight prayer points for the lost, Prayer points on overturn, Prayer Rain Prayer points.
Powerful Prayer Points For The Lost
SCRIPTURES: 2 Kings 6 v 1 – 7; Jer. 39 v 11 – 17; Matt. 13 v 1 – 8; Ps. 8 v 1 – end; 1 Cor. 15 v 39 – 41; Isa. 62 v 1 – end; Isa. 60 v 1 – 22; John 17 v 1 – 22; Heb. 2 v 6 – 8; 1 Sam. 4 v 1 – 21; Isa. 14 v 3; Gal. 5 v 1
Isa. 51 v 3 – For the Lord shall comfort my Zion: he will comfort all my waste places; and he will make my wilderness like Eden, and my Desert like the garden of the Lord; Joy & Gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the Voice of Melody
1 Cor. 15 v 40 & 41 – There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the Celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is ONE GLORY of the SUN, and ANOTHER GLORY of the MOON, and ANOTHER GLORY of the STARS: for one star differeth from another star in GLORY.
Beloved, every thing God has created whether animate or inanimate has an attached Glory. Even the elementals as stated above have theirs and sweet influences are expected to beam forth from them. Thank God for His ways and mysteries.
In Matt 13 v 1 – 8 – Those good seeds by the sowers can be likened to God’s investments in ones Glory., If they fall by the way side, on the rock or among the thorns. People with such Glory will be miserable.
Many people have had their Glory manipulated variously at different times. There is a need to cry to God for restoration. Ps. 3 v 3 “But thou O! Lord art a shield for me, my glory and the lifter of mine head”. Consider the following practical life cases:
A man destined to be a renowned pilot but suddenly became blind at age ten. That Glory had been attacked, the programme of that Glory had been perverted and tampered with.
A lady supposed to become a medical doctor but was pregnant during her second year in the college and was dismissed. Sin had aborted that brilliant Glory. God must intervene (Jer. 5 v 25)
Imagine someone doing well but had a quarrel with the parents who cursed him or her saying it shall not be well unless he or she did not come from them. Such Glory under parental curse must be restored by the finished work of Calvary. Col 2 v 17.
Consider a Christian who traveled abroad and because of resident permit did an illegal marriage with a woman who in turn had AIDS and both died. Such a glory had been aborted due to comprise (James 4 v 4)
The only male in the family heavily insured with African Insurance (Occultism) while young but now suffering the consequences while grown up. Such Glory had been desecrated and under satanic regulation.
Imagine someone who built a factory on an accursed land where two pregnant women fought, died and buried. The glory of that business will be under perpetual attack of the crying blood. Jesus must intervene to liberate the land and consequently the business. Ps. 24.
A man presented with strange Aquarium during his wedding by his former familiar spirited girlfriend. The Glory of that marriage is under a great siege from the waters. Restitution and prayers needed from the siege to be broken.
Consider a glory tampered with during pregnancy by Evil concoction taken by the mother.
Many Glory tampered with through the under-listed channels
Polygamous family burial ground
Consulting charmers, necromancers; soothsayers
Evil exchange or Trade by Barter
Turning Glory into rags
Padlocking one’s Glory through Enchantment
Incision on Heads, carrying sacrifices, batting heads with concoction by the streams, through chieftaincy ceremonies, bowing down before idols.
Wicked chains tying down one’s Glory to where it does not belong.
Making one’s Glory to operate vagabond anointing
Control of Glory through Evil Prophesies/Predictions
Causing someone’s Glory to crash at the Zenith of success without been able to rise again.
Wicked Evil Monitoring of one’s Glory by Esoteric gadgets
Witchcraft burial of Glory and Evil attachment to ones glory.
Corrupting Glory through Evil Vow, dedication, donation, evil collateral.
Castrating satanically one’s Glory thereby making one to be Existing without living/achievement.
Paralyzing one’s Glory thereby making one extremely useless to oneself, family and the generation at large despite all academic laurel and business exploits.
Disallowing pregnant Glory from birthing the benefits there in
Covering of brilliant Glory. Denying it expression. Enveloping it inside blanket of darkness.
Projecting unexplainable delay and dangerous backwardness and non-achievement into ones Glory.
You must be born again – John 3 v 16
Restitution where necessary
Self Examination
Standing on Gods word
Confront and Conquer warfare
Remember that:
1 Pet. 2 v 9 and 10 – You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood….
Gal 3 v 13 – 14 – Christ has redeemed you from the curse of the law….
Col. 2 v 14 – Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us…..
Matt 11 v 28 – 30 – Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,…..
Matt 5 v 13 – 16 – Ye are the salt of the earth:…….
Sing this song: “All glory, glory, glory to the Lord….”
Every evil weapon fashioned against my glory, will not prosper in Jesus name.
Every strange invisible power attacking my glory day and night, be paralysed in Jesus name.
Anything covering my glory, preventing it from shinning, but by fire in Jesus name.
Invisible Satanic hands manipulating my glory wither by fire in Jesus name.
Anything in the heavenlies that is hostile to my glory, face away in Jesus name.
Sudden darkness will not cover my glory in Jesus name.
Every Goliath harassing my glory day and night, die by fire in Jesus name.
Every stubborn family Pharaoh pursuing my glory, perish in the red sea in Jesus name.
Any power planning to destroy my glory, hear the word of the Lord, be buried in Jesus name.
My glory will not sink in the ocean of life in Jesus name.
Any power holding my glory, loose your hold by fire in Jesus name. (Please, be very aggressive here, pray for 5 minutes).
Any witchcraft burial of my glory partially or totally, be reversed in Jesus name.
My glory, Awake, Arise and Shine, for thy light is come in Jesus name.
All my captured blessings, be released to me now in Jesus name.
All invisible observers following and monitoring my glory, be scattered in Jesus name.
My glory, jump out of any evil cage/caldron in Jesus name. (Be saying, jump out in Jesus name)
All negative prophecies and predictions affecting my glory, be nullified by the blood of Jesus name.
Any parental poison transferred into my glory, drain out now in Jesus name.
Divine promotions and miracle galore overshadow my glory in Jesus name.
Cloud of frustration, failure and confusion covering my glory, fade away now in Jesus name.
Every power sitting on my glory be unseated by fire in Jesus name.
Traps set for my glory now and in future, be destroyed in Jesus name.
Reproaches and afflictions depart from my glory in Jesus name.
All heavenly agenda attached to my glory, begin to manifest in Jesus name.
My glory, reject manipulation henceforth in Jesus name.
Thou glory of my life, be divinely announced in Jesus name.
O ye heaven, open upon my glory in Jesus name.
The Lord shall be glorified in my life in the name of Jesus.
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