Prayer Points By Esther



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Prayer Points by Esther


“Then King Ahasuerus said…‘I have given Esther the house of Haman.’” (Esther8:7a)

Anyone tempted lately to feel overwhelmed and disheartened by an unrelenting onslaught of bad news? If so, please read on. Purim (March 5) is about God encouraging you and giving you the “house of Haman.”

Yeshua (Jesus) said that in this world we will have tribulation. But He also told us to take heart because He has overcome the world. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him. In Messiah, you really do have authority over powers of darkness. Sometimes, you need just stand firm and release it through prayer. Doing so this Purim could bring a personal turnaround in your own life—as well as that of Israel and other nations. Here’s why and how:

On March 3, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu will address the US Congress to report critical information about the Iranian nuclear program. The fact he has accepted Congress’s invitation to speak has worsened the rift between him and President Obama. But it is also fact that Iran’s highest ranking government leaders have openly declared for many years their intent to wipe Israel off the map. If the highly compromised deal that Obama has purportedly negotiated with Iran is accepted, Iran could fast become an existential, genocidal threat to the Jewish state—and by extension, Jewish people worldwide. What is not so widely known is the grave threat a nuclear Iran could also pose to the US. But, Congress holds the power to stop a bad deal with Iran from going forward.

It is no coincidence that Netanyahu’s address is scheduled during the biblical three day fast of Esther preceding Purim. It seems the prime minister is acting appropriately in the spirit of Esther. The success of his politically incorrect approach to the “king” (US government) completely depends, like Esther’s, on supernatural favor. What are the implications for faithful followers of YHVH and how specifically do we pray?

Below are 6 suggested prayers, with Scripture points, to pray and declare everyday for 6 minutes between now and Purim. As you pray, you may want to seriously consider fasting. Esther’s approach to the king was preceded by three days of fasting and prayer not only on her part, but by her personal attendants and God’s people throughout the Medo-Persian empire (Esther 4:16).

1. PERSONAL VICTORY OVER INTIMIDATION. “Sovereign God, I repent of any agreement with the enemy to grow disheartened or intimidated, or to shrink from your will, as a result of receiving bad news. You have called me to such a time and place as this. Embolden me as you did Esther to take heart in your victory. If I perish, I perish; but you remain victorious, and in you, I do too.” (Esther 4:9-14)

2. ANOINTING AND FAVOR. “Gracious King, please extend your golden scepter toward Mr. Netanyahu as he approaches the ‘king’ called the US Congress. Grant him favor and gracious words enlivened by your Spirit to convict the hearts and minds of America’s leaders.” (Esther 5:2)

3. EXPOSURE. “Author of Truth, as Esther exposed truth behind Haman’s lies and schemes, would you use Mr. Netanyahu to expose truth about Iran and its scheme to annihilate the Jews. Please expose any potential attack against America by Iran. Dispel confusion and dispense clarity of truth.” (Esther 7:5-6)

4. DECREE TO DEFEND. “Shield of Israel, for your Name’s sake and reputation, protect your covenant people. As you allowed the Jews of Esther’s time to arm themselves in defense against those carrying out Haman’s scheme, would you do so again. According to Deuteronomy 25, you are the One who battles against the spirit of Haman (Amalek). When it accomplishes your will, you use men and military means to do so. Enable Israel today to arm in defense against the decree issued for her annihilation.” (Esther 8:5, 11)

5. TURNAROUND OF EVIL SCHEMES. “God of Justice, would you effect a divine reversal of evil events against Israel. As Haman was hung on gallows he’d built to hang Mordecai the Jew, would you reverse the enemy’s scheme to destroy your people Israel. Destroy the destroying spirit driving Iran and its nuclear program. What the enemy intends for evil, thank you for turning around for good.” (Esther 7:9)

6. FEAR OF GOD. “As you used the original Purim events to inspire a ‘fear of the Jews’ throughout the Medo-Persian empire, would you use events pertaining to Israel and Iran to cause a similar fear to fall in those two nations—a holy fear of you as the one true God. Magnify your holy power and reveal your loving salvation to those who oppose you.” (Esther 8:7)

After you fast and pray, don’t forget to celebrate our faithful God.


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