What Is The Anointing For Soul Winning
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Let’s Pray
There are two types of soul winning in the Bible, personal soul winning and mass soul winning. Act 2:14, 41. Paul thought publicly, and from house to house Act 20:20. We have observed that despite numerous posters printed and a considerable amount of money and energy expended on the church growth, the results and the efforts put on it have not yielded much expected fruits.
Every Christian Is A Soul Winner
In the divine programme of God, every believer is expected to be a soul winner: “And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you fishers of men,” Mark 1:17. “And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature,” Mark 16:15.
“For it is written in Mark 16 vs 15, Jesus said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Meaning that I and you is a must to preach the gospel, nobody is exempted, we should all, everybody should go and preach the word of God to all Creatures i.e to everybody living on the surface of this earth, we should tell them about who Jesus Christ is, in another Language, we should make Jesus Christ known to everybody that He is the Lord and the Saviour of the world, he is the Kings of Kings and the Lords of Lords, and in verse 17 says
“He that believeth in Jesus Christ and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not, Jesus shall be damned and in verse 17 says, if you believe the Lord Jesus automatically these signs shall follow them that believe, he did not end there, he also told them that, in my name, I mean in the name of Jesus Christ they shall cast out devils, not only cast out devils but they shall speak with new tongues i.e another language you cannot understand and they shall take up serpents and it would not bite them.
No wonder Apostle Paul said in Romans I verse 15 – 16 has this to say – I am ready to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and in verse 16: has this to say for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the Power of God unto Salvation to everyone that believeth. “Ye shall be witness unto me” Act 1:8
Right from the beginning to the time of His ascension, Christ impressed upon his followers that they were going to be soul winners, individually and collectively. While the apostles were in Jerusalem, the disciples who were “ scattered abroad” went everywhere preaching the word” Act 8:1-4. It is unfortunate that many people go on soul-searching without any preparation. People take secular jobs more seriously than the work of God.
As a behavior before you go out for soul winning you must spend quality time in prayers, soak yourself in the blood of Jesus and you should invite the Holy Spirit to take change. You could see this in the book of Luke 24:49 “And behold, I send the promise of my father upon you. But stay in the city of Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on high.”
After intense prayer and the infilling of the Holy Spirit, when you speak to sinners, Your words will come out like fire and many souls will be won into Christ like it happened for Peter on the day of Pentecost. You could see this in the book of Act 2:41. During this period of intimacy with God, boldness to preach is developed.
In the bible we were told that Peter was a very timid man; he even denied knowing Jesus when a young girl identified him as His disciple; see Matthew 26:69-74. But after spending time in the upper room, he was facing rules of the land and telling them boldly that he would not stop preaching the gospel Acts 4:8-13, soul winning is a spiritual battle.
The Devil is the strong man, if you will rescue the sinners out of the strong man’s bondage, you must first bind him – bind the demons that have kept that fellow or community in captivity first, then frustrate all their activities and plans to keep the person or community captive for life. That is way the coast would be clear for you to rescue them from the hands of the devil:
Fresh fire from above; envelop my life in Jesus name.
O lord my father, give me the spirit of boldness to wine soul for Christ, in Jesus name.
O lord, give me anointing fresh fire, to win the soul for Christ, in Jesus name.
O lord give me the anointing that cannot be insulted to wine soul for Christ, in Jesus name.
Thank you Jesus, for answering my prayers.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen!.
Mark 16:15. “For it is written in Mark 16 vs 15, Jesus said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Original Prayer By “Independent”
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