I Trust In You Prayer Of St. Faustina
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Let’s Pray
O Mary, Mother and Mistress mine, unto You I give my body and soul, my life and death, and whatever shall come thereafter. All this I put into Your hands, O my Mother. Cover my soul with Your virginal cloak and grant me the grace of a pure heart, body and soul, and protect me with Your might against all enemies, especially against those who hide their malice beneath a mask of virtue. O beautiful Lily, You have ever been a mirror for me, O, Mother mine (Diary 79).
O, Mary, Immaculate Virgin most pure,
My heart’s brightest crystal-jewel,
You are my anchor strong and sure,
The faint heart’s defender and shield secure.
O Mary, peerless pure and matched by none at all,
Virgin yet still a Mother,
Fair as the sun, by no stain flawed,
As bright as Your soul there is no other.
So great was Your beauty to the eye of the Thrice Holiest,
That leaving the eternal throne He came down to Earth,
To take flesh and blood as Your heart’s divine guest,
For nine months under Your heart awaiting His birth.
O, Virgin-Mother, none can comprehend,
The boundless God come down in human form to reside,
It’s only by His love and mercy without end
Through You, sweet Mother, that we with Him
fore’er shall abide.
O, Mary, Virgin-Mother, Gate of Heaven renowned,
Through You salvation is bestowed on us,
Through Your hands all manner of grace flows down,
I’ll observe Your holy way and follow thus.
O, Mary, Virgin, fairest lily-flower,
First earthly tabernacle of the Lord,
Blessed for Your meekness – humbler than all other And over all the saints and angel-choirs installed O, Mary, sweetest Mother mine, To You my body, soul and poor heart I confide, Stand guard over my entire life, Especially in the hour of death, the final trial (Diary 161).
O, Mary, Mother of mine, I humbly beg You, at this important moment of my life cover my soul with Your virgin cloak, to make me all the more pleasing to Your Son, so that I can worthily praise Your Son’s mercy before the whole world and for all eternity (Diary 220).
O Mary, Immaculate Virgin, take me under your special protection and defend the purity of my soul, heart, and body; You are my model and the star of my life (Diary 874).
O Mother of God, Your soul was immersed in a sea of bitterness, look on Your child and teach me how to suffer, and how to love while suffering. Strengthen my soul, do not let suffering break it. O Mother of grace, teach me to live with God (Diary 315).
O, sweetest Mother of my Lord,
I’ll follow You throughout my life,
Lead me like the light of dawn,
In You I sink in rapture and delight.
O, Virgin Mother, immaculate, unspoiled,
Reflecting mirror of God’s brilliant light,
‘Mid tempests teaching me to love the Lord, Shielding against the foe, defending me in this my plight (Diary 1232).
Sweet Mother, unite my soul with Jesus, for only then will I be able to persevere in all the trials and tests; only in union with Jesus will my little offerings please God. Sweetest Mother, instruct me on the spiritual life, may the sword of suffering never crush me. O pure Virgin, watch over my heart and pour courage into it (Diary 915).
O Radiant Maiden, pure as crystal, completely immersed in God, I entrust my inner life to You, arrange it all to please Your Son. (Diary 844).
In Jesus’ Name. Amen!.
O Mother of God, Mary Most Holy, You, O Mother, are now my Mother in a very special way, because Your beloved Son is my Bridegroom, so we are both Your children. For Your Son’s sake, You have to love me. Mary, dearest Mother of mine, direct my inner life to make it pleasing for Your Son (Diary 240).
Original Prayer By “St.Faustina Prayer”
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