A Very Powerful Prayer For Difficult Situations

A Very Powerful Prayer For Difficult Situations


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Let’s Pray

Life here on Earth is filled with trial and tribulation. Everyone at some point in their life has, or will, run into difficult situations that make them feel helpless. Thankfully for Christ believers, our God is bigger than any trial we may face. Here are the 11 most powerful prayers for difficult situations.
Be My Guide Prayer
Heavenly Father, I humble myself before you asking for your hand of support during these difficult situations. You are my refuge and my strength; my present help in trouble. Hold my hand and do not let me fall. Let your grace be upon me during these times of anguish. My trust is in your love which never fails, and your power that knows no boundaries. Be my guide. Amen.
Let My Heart Meditate Prayer
Mighty Father, My heart rejoices in your promises. My strength comes from you. I am fully rested in your grace and your promise of protection and companionship, no matter how difficult the situation is. I can confidently say that, though I walk through the valleys of shadows of death, I shall not fear, for you are with me. Your staff and your rod, they comfort me. Let my heart meditate on your word every day. Amen.
Order My Steps Prayer
Holy Spirit, All my trust is in you during difficult times like these and always. I am confident that I will overcome anything that comes my way because you are with me every step of the way. Let my heart rest in knowing that difficulties bring us closer to you as we fully rely on your saving power and you never disappoint us. Lead me through these hard times. Order my steps. Let your presence be magnified in my life. Amen.
Watch Over Me Prayer
Lord, Watch over me during these difficult situations. Be my source of strength. Let your peace fill my heart. Do not let these circumstances shake my faith in you. Let my trust be rooted in you. I know that I will fight this battle and come out victorious because you are the one fighting for me. I am counting on your word that you will never leave me and you will always go before me. I glorify you during these times because this is your perfect will in my life. Amen.
Give Me Comfort Prayer
Father, Give me comfort during these difficult times. Hold me close to you that my faith in you will not be shaken. Be my guide in all I do. Help me so that I may not rely on my understanding but rather depend fully on your grace, which is abundant in my life. Let my heart declare of your faithfulness even in such times. Renew my strength so that I may soar high like an eagle; run but not faint; fly but not get weary. Amen.
Guide My Thoughts Prayer
Mighty God, The devil uses our difficult times to distance us from you, but God, nothing can separate us from the love you have for us. Not hard times; not heights; not depths; nothing; because you are the God of love. I know that you are with me and you will never forsake me. Guide my thoughts and my actions. Even though I am weary, I know that your grace and your strength will keep going. I am not giving up for you are at my side. Amen.
Stand With Me Prayer
Jesus Christ, I ask that you may give me a shoulder to lean on during this difficult situation. Wipe my tears away. I am burdened, Lord, hold my hand. I take my yoke upon you that I may learn from you; you are gentle and humble. In you, I can find peace. My heart rests in you. You are my friend. Stand with me to the end. Be my rock. Amen.
Renew My Soul
King of kings, you did not promise us the absence of calamities. You promised to be with us when calamities strike. I count on your promise during this season of hardships. Be with me, God. Give me wisdom and strength to overcome all these difficulties. 


In Jesus’ Name. Amen!.

Work your ways to deliver me from these discouraging times and let my trust be in you alone. Renew my soul and let me be still and know that you are God. Amen.


Original Prayer By “ConnectUsFund”

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