What Are The Benefits Of Destiny Helpers
Prayer Points: What Are The Benefits Of Destiny Helpers, How do I attract my destiny helpers, How can I connect to my destiny helper, What Psalm is the destiny helper in, What are the 4 kinds of destiny helpers, How do I manifest my destiny, How do I know my destiny work, What do destiny helpers do, What does the Bible say about destiny helpers, What Are The Benefits Of Destiny Helpers, What Bible Verses Are For Your Helper, What Are The Benefits Of Destiny Helpers, Characteristics Of Destiny Helpers, How do I take control of destiny, Signs Of Destiny Helper, Do destiny helpers exist,Can a person control their destiny, What is a destiny believer calledWho holds your destiny, What God says about destiny helpers, What do destiny helpers do, How do I activate divine Favour, What controls your destiny, How do you fulfill destiny, What hinders our destiny,What is Isaiah 41 verse 10, What Are The Benefits Of Destiny Helpers.
Let’s Pray
Memory Verse: John answered and said, “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven. John 3:27 (NKJV)
When you need help, it is wisdom to humble yourself and ask for one. Don’t die in isolation. No man is an island. Mind you, you don’t have control over the help to be received. He is my Uncle, my parents once helped him, I believe he is a millionaire, he is a member of our Church/house fellowship, etc, are not enough reasons to qualify for help before anyone.
You once helped someone, or your parents once helped a particular person, or he/she is your sibling or a close relative is not a qualification for help to be received. Please know for sure: NO ONE IS UNDER ANY OBLIGATION TO HELP YOU. Please arm yourself with this mindset else you may be utterly disappointed, frustrated or even slid into depression. Please hear me brethren, “… no one can receive anything unless it has been given to him from heaven”.
John 3:27 (CSB). When you totally rely on a person because of favour you or your parents have done to the person in time past, it shows that your hope and trust is not in God. Many times, if God must be glorified, that person may disappoint you. This is a sad reality, brethren. His glory will He not give to any man (Isaiah 42:8).
Many don’t know that there is an anointing needed to command favor from perceived destiny helpers. No wonder you’re frustrated when such person disappoints you. Your blood sister/brother can disappoint you if the Lord has not commanded it, and at other times, they may be under an evil manipulation. Mind you, before you start getting worried why certain people who hitherto helped you in the past suddenly refrain from extending help, perhaps they are seasonal helpers.
Seasonal helpers are people God bring your way at a particular time to fulfill a particular thing in your life. Once that destiny project is over, they disconnect from you no matter how many times you call them or message them. Interestingly, the Lord may decide to bring them into your life much later if He so desires.
That is why He is sovereign. Hence, open your spirit to understand these dynamics instead of getting worried when certain people leave your life. However, there are perennial helpers whom God has commanded to be with you throughout your lifetime. May you not miss either your seasonal helpers or perennial helpers, in Jesus name.
Pray for discernment.
The first step to identifying your destiny helpers is to pray for discernment. Ask God to heighten your sensitivity when the people who are meant to help you on your journey begin to come into your life.
This is because they could come in the most unlikely form, especially burden bearers and divine connectors. They mostly don’t look like it.
James 1: 5 says If any of you lacks wisdom (discernment), you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Pay attention to your environment.
Destiny helpers can come from anywhere. They can be family members, friends, coworkers, or even strangers. Pay attention to the people who are around you.
Take note of those who consistently show up in your life and offer support. Take note of those you meet as you progress and every they carry. Look beyond their physical appearance or economic class.
Destiny helpers are not necessarily financial helpers. You will be on better ground when you habitually honor and treat everyone nicely.
Listen to your heart
Remember you have prayed for discernment. God will begin to stir your heart toward some people.
I always tell the story of how the biggest burden bearer I had during my University days came because I listened to my heart (the voice of the Holy Spirit).
I felt compelled to talk to this man and ask for advice. He didn’t look like one who could give the advice I needed but my heart kept pushing me, so I followed.
Now, he truly didn’t give me the advice I wanted but he adopted me as his son and footed many bills at a point when I was at my lowest financially.
Your heart is a powerful tool in identifying your destiny helpers. It’s that kind of gut feeling that tells you when something is right or wrong. Pay attention to your heart when you meet new people or when someone offers to help you.
I will bless the LORD who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me. – Psalm 16:7
Look for those who share your vision.
It is not uncommon for your destiny helpers to be people who share your vision and are passionate about the same things as you.
They may have a similar purpose or call in life. Look out for those who have a similar vision and are willing to work alongside you to achieve it.
This is especially true with gifted men. These people are simply living out their lives and fulfilling their purposes but the fulfillment of their purpose assists you in fulfilling your purpose.
Aaron was a destiny helper to Moses. He was fulfilling his purpose and that was advancing Moses’s cause as well.
Seek wise counsel.
Remember the story I shared on how seeking advice turned out? Yours might not necessarily follow the same pattern. But when you seek counsel from wise people, they can connect you to people who can be of help in what you’re working on.
You can also simply ask that they recommend people you can work with.
So seek out those who are further along in their journey and have the wisdom to share. Look for those who can offer guidance and direction as you move forward.
They can also point out people they have had experiences with that you should avoid.
Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. – Proverbs 19:20
Be open to unexpected sources of help
It is funny how we can be praying that God sends helpers of our destiny and still be turning down help as they come. Especially when you’re someone who is used to doing things by yourself.
Destiny helpers can come from unexpected sources. Don’t limit yourself to the people you think should be helping you. Be open to the idea that help can come from anyone.
Namman got delivered because the maid of his wife recommended a prophet that could cure his disease.
Give thanks for the arrival of your destiny helpers
Lastly, it’s important to give thanks for your destiny helpers. This is an act of faith that you believe God has answered your prayers and will bring destiny helpers to your life that you will identify.
But beyond giving thanks to God, recognize the people who have helped you along the way and show your appreciation.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen!.
Esther needed Mordecai to connect her to the king (Esther 2:7). Ruth needed Naomi to connect her to Boaz (Ruth 3:1-4). Joseph needed the king’s cupbearer to enter the palace (Genesis 41:1-14). Naaman needed his maid to connect him to the prophet (2 Kings 5:1-25), and so on.
Original Prayer By “Self Discovery” And “Dwog”
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