What Is A Divine Helper

What Is A Divine Helper


Prayer Points: What Is A Divine Helper, How do I attract my destiny helpers, How can I connect to my destiny helper, What Psalm is the destiny helper in, What are the 4 kinds of destiny helpers, How do I manifest my destiny, How do I know my destiny work, What do destiny helpers do, What Is A Divine Helper, What Are The Benefits Of Destiny Helpers, What Bible Verses Are For Your Helper, Prayer For Helpers, Characteristics Of Destiny Helpers, How do I take control of destiny, Signs Of Destiny Helper, Do destiny helpers exist,Can a person control their destiny, What is a destiny believer calledWho holds your destiny, What God says about destiny helpers, What do destiny helpers do, How do I activate divine Favour, What controls your destiny, How do you fulfill destiny, What hinders our destiny,What is Isaiah 41 verse 10, What Is A Divine Helper.


Let’s Pray

Destiny helpers are people placed in your life by God to help you reach your destiny. Destiny Killers are people assigned by the devil to kill God’s plan for your life. Your destiny killers must change or God will trouble them, take away their peace & give them assignment they cannot complete.
Favor shall attend all of your ways, so go about your daily activities expecting uncommon grace to show up for you and it will manifest. This morning, I want to discuss with you on the ministry of your Divine Helper. You were not created to live this life all by yourself and because God knew that in this life, we’ll be faced with diverse challenges and difficulties, He gave us the Holy Spirit, our Divine Helper.
“But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name, [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.” (John 14:26 AMPC).
Our text gives us a very robust description of who the Holy Spirit is to us, and still it does not even fully capture everything. Indeed the Holy Spirit is of vital necessity if we must live successfully as believers on this earth. Jesus said in John 16:7 that it is to our advantage that He goes away so He can send the Divine Helper to be with us.
Therefore in order for us to truly enjoy this advantage and the ministry of this amazing Divine Helper in our lives, then we must learn to fellowship with the Holy Spirit in worship, and in tongues. We must make praying in tongues a part of our daily lives. He is there to help us through every situation. There is absolutely nothing we cannot engage the Holy Spirit about, be it about family, career, business, marriage, children. He is a very present help at every time we need Him. He will also tell you about the future, so you can stay ahead of the curve. Make a habit of fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit and praying in tongues, and He will transform your life.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen!.

This week I declare acceleration in your life. The things hitherto you have been trusting God for will happen speedily in the name of Jesus. I will hear your testimony. God bless you.


Original Prayer By “Trem”

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