Closing Prayer For Church

Closing Prayer For Church


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Let’s Pray

Closing Prayer of Thankfulness
Sovereign Lord, You have granted us a great privilege in gathering us together. We thank You that You are with us and that You guide our steps. Thank You for leading us not into temptation, but rather leading us into the truth of Your Word. We are thankful for the indwelling Holy Spirit, who lives within us and seals us with a guarantee of final redemption. We praise You endlessly for Your sacrifice and for Your glorious gospel. Please grant that we may now each walk in a manner that is in step with what we know to be true. Amen.

Holy One, it has been our great to gather among the saints and speak about the orders of business of this congregation and the truths of Your Word. May each one of us depart from this gathering in peace, encouragement, and with a sharp remembrance of the things we have learned. Let our minds be sponges for the teachings of Scripture and let us each remain in constant meditation on the truths You have revealed. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
Closing Prayer of Joy
Ruler of All Things, You have been with us during our meeting, and we know that You will be with us as we go our separate ways. May we take great joy and comfort in knowing that the God of the Universe actually knows us and loves us, and all because of the mystery of the cross. Thank You for giving us so much to celebrate—forgiveness, fellowship with Christ, eternal life. May we never stop expressing our abundant joy that is our gift from the Spirit. Amen.
Closing Prayer of Fortitude
Worthy One, we are refreshed from this time of fellowship and encouraged by Your Word. May we end this meeting with Your blessing as we depart. Please grant that we would have the strength to carry on, faithfully, despite any troubles that we may face. Help us to have the fortitude to live Godly in this evil age. Let us be bold to stand for the truth, and to oppose what is false. We ask this in Jesus’s blessed name. Amen.
Closing Prayer of Protection
Jesus, my Redeemer, we praise Your holy name for this time of gathering together. Thank You for blessing the church with profound resources through the Holy Spirit and the Word. We thank You for all that You have done for us. We ask You to bless us as we dismiss. May Your hand of protection be upon each of us, and may we each live boldly for You, regardless of what it might cost us. We trust that You will sustain us, guide us, and protect us. We pray in Your name. Amen.
Closing Prayer of Evangelism
Most High God, as we close in prayer, we proclaim Your greatness and celebrate Your gospel. Let us each go forth with an attitude of evangelism. Help us each to participate in the great commission and to be a faithful witness of the transforming power of Your Word. Let us speak the truth in love and point the world to Your Son as the only hope for condemned sinners. 


In Jesus Name Amen!!! 

Let us speak the truth in love and point the world to Your Son as the only hope for condemned sinners.


Original Prayer By  “ConnectUsFund” 

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