How Do You Start An Open Prayer

How Do You Start An Open Prayer


Prayer Points: How Do You Start An Open Prayer, What is the best prayer for Christians, What are the 3 powerful prayers, Closing Prayer For Unity, How Do You Start An Open Prayer, What Is A Closing Prayer, What are the 5 basic prayer, How to pray correctly, How Do You Start An Open Prayer, What Is A Closing Prayer, Closing Prayer For Church, What Do You Say When Leading An Opening Prayer, How Do You Start An Open Prayer, Closing Prayer For Unity, Closing Prayer For Church, What is the best prayer in the Bible, Which prayer is considered the perfect prayer, How Do You Start An Open Prayer


Let’s Pray

A closing prayer is a great way to close a meeting at work or in any other form of gathering. Thanking the Lord for being with us during the meeting and continuing to inspire and protect us is just one way to express our thanks to Him. Here is a listing of some closing prayers for meetings that will help get you started.  

Starting your meeting off on the right foot starts with a leading prayer, and summing up the meeting requires a strong closing prayer. Here are 11 opening and closing prayers for annual church meetings.
Precious Savior, we gather together in holy fellowship to conduct the business of the church, Your body. We thank You that You are always with us and that it is Your own doing to build and lead the church. We praise You for Your eternal love for us, Your sacrifice on the cross, Your forgiveness for sinners, and Your glorious gospel of peace. We thank You that by Your mediation, we have access to God the Father. We worship You and pray that You would be honored by this meeting. We pray in Your sacred name, Amen.
Lord, as we open this meeting, we recognize that we can do nothing apart from You. Please grant us wisdom to rightly represent You and to faithfully interpret Your Word. Let the Spirit of Wisdom dwell within us and may He provide us with knowledge, conviction, Christlike love, and unity. We pray that this time would be fruitful to those in attendance, and may righteousness and peace be ours through Christ. We pray in His name. Amen.
God of Hope, together we meet to faithfully carry out the exercises of the church. We ask that while we gather in Your name, that You would protect us both physically and spiritually. Please grant that no enemy of Yours disrupts this meeting and that Your Spirit is our protector. May all those who practice evil be thwarted and may the testimony of Your truth be preached freely. We ask this, Father, that we may honor You in loving fellowship. Amen.
Merciful One, we unite as a congregation because You have made us into one spiritual body through Your saving gospel. We praise You for descending to the earth, taking on the form of a human, willingly enduring the cross, bearing the punishment of our sins, sacrificing Your life in place of ours, and granting us salvation. Thank You that You have mercifully called us out of the world, anointed us by Your Spirit, granted us faith, and blessed us with eternal life. Jesus, we will praise You for all eternity. Thank You for Your mercy. Amen.
Great King, our time of fellowship is for the purpose of honoring You. We know that You are honored by faithful obedience, and so we pray that You would lead our hearts to full the conviction of sin and the boldness to practice the truth. Help us each to be an example of holiness in this dark world. Guide us to be faithful to Your sacred commands. May we live to serve You, to seek Your will, and may we never stop battling against our own flesh. We pray in Your name. Amen.

In Jesus Name Amen!!! 

Let us know how to speak words of grace, seasoned with salt, and help us to be ready with an answer for those who would question us. May Your name be forever lifted up. Amen.


Original Prayer By “ConnectUsFund” 

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