God Of Elijah Prayer Points


God of Elijah prayer points tags: seven prayers of Elijah, Elijah the prophet prayer, God of Elijah bible verse, prayer points from 1 kings 18, Elijah pray for rain to stop for 3 years, Elijah prays for rain sermon, stories of answered prayers in the bible, Elisha prayer, prayer points on God of possibilities.


God Of Elijah Prayer Points

Powerful God Of Elijah Prayer Points

Anchor Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:8
The trumpet is is used in the military to signal or alert soldiers to battle or warfare. The gate of destiny is not a place to gamble or play games.

Your destiny is God’s purpose for your life. It is also the expectation of Heavens for your life. It is your prophetic agenda in life. The only reason why God created you is to fulfil your destiny.

The reason why God punish many people when they die is because they did not fulfill their destiny. The destiny of sugarcane is a terrible one, it is cut down when it is ripe. There many people with sugarcane destinies. When they are ripe for sweet testimonies is when the enemy rises to cut them off.

Raise your hands to the heavenlies and declare with thunder in your voice: “Every power assigned to cut off my destiny, I bury you now, in the name of Jesus.”

In this year 2020, you be meticulous. Don’t take God for granted. Don’t mortgage your life for money, sex or sinful pleasures. All those little foxes (little, little sins) must go. Your eagle must not scratch the ground in the company of chickens. God will not tolerate any argument with the Holy Spirit this year. You must drop all the excesses of last year, you must subdue your flesh. 2009 is not a trial and error year!

Remember that the figure 9 in this year 2009 is an important number. In the occult it is a treasured number for wickedness. In mathematics, it is also a very important number – 9 is the biggest numeral/integer.

Many people miss their blessings because God had packaged that blessing and sent angels to deliver it at a specified location. If you don’t go to that location, you will not be blessed. Your divine allocation is at your divine location. That is why the bible says at Psalms 16:5-6 that the Lord is the portion of my inheritance … the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places, yea, I have a goodly heritage.

Your portion is your allocation, and you can miss your divine heritage if you are not where God wants you to be. The lines would only fall to you at the place where God has apportioned it.

Raise up your right hands again and pray like this with a roaring thunder: “My Divine Location, APPEAR!!!! in Jesus name.”

The reason for the defeat of man, right from the garden of Eden was because man left his divine location. We are starting with aggression out Tarry meeting again, where people would be filled with Fresh Fire, in the next couple of weeks. You can’t fight the enemy without that fire, that is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That is the fire that cannot be insulted!

Many people need internal Crucifixion. Th only time when Christians are defeated is when they come down from the Cross. The Lord told us both in Matthew 16:24 and Luke 9:23 that we should deny ourselves take up the cross daily and follow him. Only the broken can be delivered from the enemy. It is better to be alone than to be with wrong friends.


LORD, save me from myself and my flesh, in the name of Jesus.
My Father, Kill the flesh in my life, in the name of Jesus.
My Father, break me and re-mould me according to your will, in the name of Jesus.
Gates of Death, Reject me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Any problem assigned to destroy my destiny, Die, in the name of Jesus.
Every power mocking God in my life, Die, in the name of Jesus.
Opportunity wasters, my life is not your candidate, therefore, Die, in Jesus Name.
Every owner of evil load in 2020, Carry your load, I shall not carry it, in Jesus name.
By fire, By Thunder, I take back anything the enemy has stolen from me, in the name of Jesus.
Where is the Lord God of Elijah? Arise, CHANGE my STORY to GLORY, in the name of Jesus.

Source: prayersfire.com

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