How Do I Pray For My Future Soulmate

How Do I Pray For My Future Soulmate


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Let’s Pray

Father in Heaven, You deemed that it is not good for man to be alone. And so You created a helper for him. Have mercy upon me, Lord, for I am lost in the depths of loneliness. I so desperately desire a companion – a soulmate with whom I can walk through this life. Therefore, I ask that You graciously send this person into my life so that my heart might be fulfilled. I ask this in Your boundless graciousness. Amen.

Lord God, there is nothing new under the sun. Every day I wake up as lonely as the day before. I feel hopeless like I will never meet the right person. Yet I long for a soulmate. I want to experience love, joy, and companionship. Therefore, I beg You to send them. Bring them to me so that together, we might delight in Your will and walk according to Your statutes. Amen.

O Great Lover of Mankind, You care for us so much that You have sent Your Son to redeem us. In this same love, send someone into my life willing to become my soulmate. Send someone to me that can make me a better person, challenging me to become the best version of myself. I ask this according to Your boundless love for all people. Amen.

Loving Father, You know that the deepest desire of my heart is to meet someone that I can share my life with. I trust in your loving plan for me and ask that I might meet soon the person that you have prepared for me. Through the power of your Holy Spirit, open my heart and mind so that I recognise my soulmate. Remove any obstacles that may be in the way of this happy encounter, So that I might find a new sense of wholeness, joy and peace. Give me the grace too, to know and accept, if you have another plan for my life. I surrender my past, present and future into the tender heart of your Son, Jesus,Confident that my prayer will be heard and answered. AMEN


In Jesus’ Name. Amen!.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. St Valentine, pray for me. It is suggested that this prayer is said daily for nine days, constituting what is called in the Catholic tradition, a Novena. A Novena is offered to obtain special graces, to implore special favours, or to make special Petitions to God. The word ‘Novena’ is derived from the Latin “novem”, meaning nine.


Original Prayer By “Catholicireland” and Connect Us Fund” 

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