How Do You Remain Steadfast In Your Faith

How Do You Remain Steadfast In Your Faith


Prayer Points: Prayer For Steadfast FaithHow Do You Remain Steadfast In Your Faith, What is a short prayer for strength and faith, How do I pray for strong faith, How do you pray faith, What prayer will give you strength in difficult times, What are the 3 powerful prayers, What is the prayer of trust and faith, How Can We Pray In Faith, How to pray Psalm 31, How do I ask God in faith, How Do You Pray For Strong Faith, What to pray for today, How do you say praying for strength, How Can I Pray With Faith, How do I pray for myself, What is the best short prayer, How do I get God to answer my prayers immediately, How do I talk about my faith, How do I know if I am praying in the Spirit, How Can We Pray In Faith, What is the best strong prayer, How Do You Pray For Strong Faith, How Can I Pray With Faith, prayer for strength during difficult times, short prayer for faith, prayer for strength and protection, short prayer for strength during difficult times, prayer for strength and guidance, prayer of encouragement and strength, How Can We Pray In Faith, prayer for strength and healing, How Do You Remain Steadfast In Your Faith .


Let’s Pray

“So now, beloved ones, stand firm [with steadfast faith] and secure. Live your lives with an unshakable confidence. We know that we prosper and excel in EVERY season by serving the Lord, because we are assured that our union with the Lord makes our labor productive with fruit that endures.” ~ 1 Corinthians 15:58, TPT
“You will keep in perfect and constant peace the one whose mind is steadfast [that is, committed and focused on You—in both inclination and character], Because he trusts and takes refuge in You [with hope and confident expectation]. “Trust [confidently] in the Lord forever [He is your fortress, your shield, your banner],.For the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages].” ~ Isaiah 26:3-4, AMP
Lord, You have called us to be holy as You are holy. You have called us to steadfast faith in our walk with You, not wavering — being blown about like paper in the wind when the difficult place seeks to devour us.
With You, we can do this — we can remain steadfast. But without You, steadfast faith runs out the door leaving us in a crumpled mess.
So I’m asking You, Lord … tighten Your grip on my hand and draw me ever closer to Your side. I’m asking that You will be quick to avert my gaze from circumstances back to Your lovely face. Open my ears to hear You calling my name to come back to You, the Solid Rock on which my home, my family, my life will not crumble, but will, instead, stand victorious in the shadow of Your Presence.
You are an amazing God who does all things well. I choose this day to rest in the knowledge that You are very present in my times of trouble and will be faithful to work everything together for my good. I choose this day to once again determine in my heart to walk in steadfast faith, knowing You will never fail me. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’s Name I pray,
You remain Lord. You never leave our side, but we tend to put our hands on our hips and stomp away from You in frustration and despair. Why? Because we take our eyes off You. We don’t wait on You.
Maybe some days we don’t even believe You’ve heard our cry for help!
But Lord, that is a lie from the evil one. You have clearly spoken to us of Your faithfulness to hear us when we call on Your Name. You have promised that we will find You when we seek You with all of our heart.
Please forgive us, Lord. Forgive me!
My spirit rejoices in Your faithful love. It’s my flesh that looks away and begins to drown in my sorrow and anguish. It’s my flesh that chooses not to resist the devil’s lies, but to entertain them and allow the lies to separate me from the comfort of Your loving care.


In Jesus’ Name. Amen!.

Praying with faith means, don’t try to hedge your bets. Sometimes–particularly in worship services and prayer meetings, where others can hear us praying–we try to “hedge our bets,” so to speak.


Original Prayer By “Nan Jones” 

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