Prayer During Difficult Times

Prayer During Difficult Times


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Let’s Pray

Heavenly Father, I feel alone, beaten up, tears fill my eyes, I toss and turn at night. Words can’t express the ache in my heart. I feel pain every day. I pray to you as I am desperate for help. I need to know that you care, that you love me, be my refuge from pain, replacing my distress with peace, and be my strength when I feel weak and find it hard to carry on. Help me not to fear the future but to boldly trust that you are in control when my emotions plunge me down, and when I am in despair. And times when I can’t talk and don’t know what to say, help me to “Be still, and know that you are God”. Be my comforter, my healer and bring me peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Bible reference: Psalm 46
Spirit of Creation, God of All,
I don’t understand you, I don’t even know if I believe in you, but this is my cry to you, whomever you are, I figure if you are as big as people say you are, you are not going to be offended if I get things wrong. My life feels messy, things are not going smoothly at all. Some of it I have done, some of it has been done to me, some of it just seems to have happened. Sometimes I feel angry, sometimes shame. And sometimes, to tell you the truth, I feel nothing at all. I could use some help through these tough times, I am open to receive help from any source that has my wellbeing in mind. Please, place good people, kind people, along my path. Please God, help me have the wisdom to make right choices. This is my cry to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Bible reference: John 16:33
God of all creation
I’m needing some comfort right now. My heart is breaking. I’ve lost my loved one. My life feels kind of strange, all upside down. My words feel like they have no strength, I have lost my confidence. Some days I wake up and for a moment I feel happy to be alive, but this is always followed by a deep guilt for having those thoughts and I sink again. Sorrow has kind of become a friend, a companion – ever present. My prayer to you is that you will help grief do its work in me, and when it is done I pray that the wound of loss will heal. I want one day to welcome these memories without this depth of pain. To welcome thoughts of my loved one with a small smile, with love.
Bible reference: Revelation 21:4
God, help me trust you with my decisions and future. Let me lean on you with all my heart instead of relying on my own imperfect understanding. Give me clear guidance in my life. I ask for your help to direct my path. Give me confidence that your direction is always the best way to go. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
God of love – I feel like I am lost but your word says that you will always guide me. You do not leave me wandering through life but you are with me during every moment of every day. Help me to follow your ways when I feel weary and frustrated and help me to experience joy in life. May I be like the well-watered garden which thrives because the roots are firmly planted in your love.  Amen.


In Jesus’ Name. Amen!.

Creator God, you made me and you love me. My circumstances and experiences do not define me. Help me to understand that I am like a child and can trust you. Whatever I do today, your loving eye is on me and you have promised to care for me. Help me to bring everything in my life before you. When I am uncertain, help me look to you. Guide me and teach me in the way that I should go and the paths that I should take.  Amen.


Original Prayer By “Mission Australia”

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