Prayer For Couples In Hard Times


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Powerful Prayer for Couples in Hard Times



Proverbs 3:5-6
Oh God, I cry out to You in my time of distress. God You are the mender of the broken hearted, so I pray that You will heal our hearts and our relationship. God allow us to forgive one another and to love each other as You love us. I pray that we will not lean upon our own understanding of why this is occurring but let us trust You that You have already made a way for us, Amen.
2 Corinthians 12: 9-10, John 13:34
Almighty one, I thank You for the weaknesses in our relationship as I know that Your power will rest upon us and that you will intervene upon our behalf. Lord I pray that You will grant us grace that we will be delivered from difficult situations that our relationship faces. Make us stronger in the areas that we are weak so we can overcome our trials and help us to love one another as You love us Father, this we ask, Amen.
2 Corinthians 1: 3-4
Our Father, I thank You that You are a compassionate God and that You love us both. I pray Father that You will help us to be compassionate and sensitive to the needs of one another. May You comfort both of us in our time of trouble and deliver us from all difficulties. I pray that we will always be overcomers and that we will never give up upon one another, as You have never given up on us, Amen.
1 Corinthians 13: 4-8
Loving Father, I thank You for my spouse today and I commit our relationship into Your mighty hands. Lord hide us both in Your secret tabernacle where we are safe from the troubles of this world. Father, I pray that our love will be long suffering and it will endure all obstacles that it faces. May our love for one another grow stronger each day as we draw closer to You and be the center of our relationship, Amen.
Psalm 46:1-3
Heavenly Father, I bless You because You are my refuge and strength. Father You are an omniscient God and know all that I face in my relationship. I pray for Your divine help today and that You will intercede on behalf of us. May You bind us in chords of love that cannot be broken by anything or anyone in the Name of Jesus. I pray that You will bless our union forever, this we pray, Amen.
Jeremiah 32:27, James 1:19
Dear Lord, I thank You that nothing is too difficult for You to do. So, Lord I thank You in advance for Your help in our relationship. Give us the strength we need to overcome all of the battles and struggles that we face in our relationship. I pray that we will be slow to anger and quick to forgive one another. May our love for each other always conquer the hard times that we face, Amen.
