Prayer For My First Born Son


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Powerful Prayer For My First Born Son

Prayers for all first borns:
Confession: “I am a first born. I am the beg inning of strength of my household. I am the excellency of dignity, excellency of power. I shall not be a deficit unto the world. I shall be as stable as a rock. I shall excel and no one shall defile me. I shall not die a grievous death. I shall not be an infant of days, neither shall I be an adult that has not fulfilled his years. I shall have the might of Samson but not his carelessness. I shall have the wisdom of Solomon, not his whoredom. I shall h ave the holiness of Job and not his calamities. I shall possess the gate of my enemies. I shall not be subject to pain or poverty. The enemy shall not outwit me. The Lord shall anoint me with the oil of gladness above my fellows. The fire of the enemy shall not burn me. My head shall not be buried in shame. I shall be respected and honoured in my father’s house. I shall be the first among equals. I shall be the preferred among many. My voice shall be heard and reckoned with. As a first born, I redeem my destiny by the precious blood of Jesus. I dedicate myself this day to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen”


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