Prayer Point For Mothers


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Prayer Point For Mothers

Powerful Prayer Point For Mothers

5 Powerful prayers for those who love their mothers
Pardon me tonight if this title isn’t up to scratch(the content is exceptional I suppose). Behind a story is an inspiration (most of us were taught to believe this), this write-up isn’t different. In my local parish, a septuagenarian shared her testimony of God’s protection and answers to prayers. Afterwards, I felt so, so connected with my mother like never before (believe me it never happened before). FYI, I’m not a neophyte at love (I walked down that road “X” times). I just couldn’t remember specifically praying and fasting for her all my life — she has always been the intercessor. For the next 5 days, I decided that things must change. Oh yes!! Fasting and praying for her. On the fifth and final day, God answered (read my testimony in the final paragraph).

I now reveal to you the prayers that worked like gangbusters. As you read, please replace with your mother’s name and declare God’s WORD. I am confident God will answer because in Job Chapter 22 and verse 28 God said “We shall declare a thing and it shall be established”
Your turn to declare:

Prayer for vitality, long life, healing and multiplication. In Exodus 23:25, we are assured of God’s promise (God himself said “I”) that He will take sickness away from our midst. What other reassurance do you need? If sickness isn’t in our midst, definitely, it can be on our body and that of our mothers. In verse 26 of the same chapter, Jehovah (a sacred name which is translated “LORD”) promised to heal us (replace with your mother’s name) and not put any disease on our body. The Jews knew better in this regard and highly referenced the name “LORD” — a sacred name only pronounced by the high priest on the day of atonement. In addition, God wrought mighty signs in the lives of men whenever the mighty name Jehovah is used (In Exodus Chapter 6 verse 2 and verse 3, God said to Moses, “I am the LORD”. You all know how he rescued Israel, right??). Sure you don’t want to miss this — the promise of full age. Crops are harvested in the proper season. Really? Yay!! (No wise farmer does otherwise) and our Father in heaven who knows all would never allow any sickness take our dear mothers before their age of ripening. The psalmist summed it up in the 30th chapter of Psalm and verse 2:
O LORD my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me.

2. Vitality and Revival: In Psalm chapter 34 and verses 19 and 20, you will see that through it all — challenges, difficulties and all pains of motherhood combined — our mothers’ bones weren’t broken. The LORD, mighty in battle, delivered our mothers from them all. Although the bones may be weak as age sets in, you ought to be reassured that not one of them will be broken. The LORD said so.

3. Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding: Never knew Bezalel in the bible until the beginning of this year when my Boss challenged me to study Exodus 31. This guy was super-geeky (I mean beyond description). I still can’t tell whose wisdom is more (King Solomon or Bezalel). He was filled with the spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge, and with all kinds of skills. All these blessings on one man. A strong talking and praying point for our mothers.

4. Prayer for Blessings: God’s blessing encompasses our needs and overwhelms us with his goodness so we can be a channel of blessing to others. Growing up in urban Lagos, I still recollect how my mum practised giving — from cloths, food, cash, educational sponsorship till university level. I thought, then, that it was way extreme (since no one did that to me). I hadn’t read the bible verse on God blessing us and we, in return, being a blessing to others (Genesis chapter 12 verse 2; read Luke 18 — the promise of hundred-fold return; Luke chapter 6 verse 38 — the promise of manifold blessing). We can’t out give to God. In Psalm chapter 34 and verses 10, 9 and 8, you will find a more blessed reassurance — we shall not lack any good thing. Even the lions will lack, go weak and hungry but ours is different. Surely, our friends & family, colleagues and all that see us will see and taste that the Lord is good. So, a prayer point can be: cause your blessing in my mother’s life to be a source of amazement. You could also declare God’s promises in Deuteronomy chapter 28 and verses 1 to 13.

5. Sing Praises: So it’s day 5? I chose to praise God. In Psalm chapter 34 verse 1, the psalmist extolled (enthusiastic or rapturous praise) the Lord at all times and praised God always with his lips. We have many reasons to praise God. The remembrance of safe delivery and divine choice of selecting you from the millions of cells racing for life are enough. Besides, you know you have a praying and caring mum when you look back at hurdles crossed (and if you are like me, near death experiences). Our actions, disobedience, wrong choices and their outcomes brought tears to our mothers’ still they prayed and accepted us just like Jesus (love you mum). In verse 5 of same chapter, God promised all that look unto him a lightened face and no shame. Sure, our mothers’ prayers worked for us and are still working because we came out well and their faces bear no shame.
We have only scratched the surface if you have any suggestion add in the comment section below.
So, my testimony: On the final day, I got to evening service tired. Can you still remember that I talked about the septuagenarian who inspired me to embark on this spiritual task? She again? Yes. As I was about to greet her after service to talk about this spiritual exercise she said God had ministered to her during the week to meet my needs. You all know the needs of Christian eligible bachelor? (hint: that which satisfies the belly).
What a pleasant way to end this task — a blessed assurance that God has answered.
It’s dedicated to all mothers (Please pray for them, women are special).



Don’t forget to drop your comments below if you find this prayer helpful. Thanks and God bless you.

Prayer Point For Mothers – Prayer For Mother’s Strength