Prayer Points For Testimonies With Bible Verses
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Let’s Pray
Oh Lord, baptize me with the generous spirit of a cheerful giver who gives out of love and not out of compulsion.
The Lord will make me a pillar of support for the expansion of God’s Kingdom in Jesus name.
All my past generosity will be remembered by God. Every impossible situation in my life will be turned around by God on the account of my past generosity in Jesus name.
I believe in miracles, I serve a God of miracles therefore; every chapter closed by men against me will be re-opened by God in my favor in Jesus name.
Just as the famine in the days of Joseph elevated him, help me Lord to see the opportunity that the current global financial crises is creating for my prosperity in Jesus name.
Oh Lord endow me with the required mental skill to interpret every opportunity that comes my way correctly and take maximum advantage of them in Jesus name.
I receive Grace to enjoy riches that will endure throughout my life time in Jesus name.
I receive total liberty from the embarrassing yoke of debt in Jesus name.
I receive total deliverance from the embarrassing stigma of knocking on doors and repeated phone calls begging for financial assistance in Jesus name.
I will enjoy the surplus of heaven to achieve my purpose and have leftovers in Jesus name.
Murmuring will not take the place of money in my life and money will not mess me up; all my bills will be supernaturally settled in Jesus name.
I refuse to be a burden on my neighbors, families and friends. I am a lender and not a borrower in Jesus name.
Whenever the needies need my help my purse will not be empty. I will be readily available to meet their needs in Jesus name.
Oh Lord, deliver me (my husband, my children etc) from the slavery of evil appetite/habit that are killing my health and destiny in Jesus name.
The Lord will satisfy my mouth with good things. I shall have appetite and money to eat choiced foods and accomplish great things in Jesus name.
I receive total deliverance from the curse of poverty and affliction that has ever plaqued my family line. I will live to transfer prosperity to my posterity in Jesus name.
I shall not only be great in wealth but also have great name in Jesus name.
Let your Spirit empower me oh Lord, to attain, sustain and enjoy success in Jesus name.
My joy shall multiply at the end of this month… I shall therefore count blessings and not sorrows in Jesus name.
Oh Lord deliver me from profitless labor and confused activities in Jesus name.
I shall not waste my seed. I will be divinely guided to plant my seed on fertile soil in Jesus name.
Oh Lord, let the resources required to fulfill my dream in the custody of my enemies relocate into the custody of my friends and helpers in Jesus name.
Oh Lord, let money forever remains my loyal messenger in Jesus name.
Both the help from above and abroad will combine and compete to settle my bills and fulfill my dreams this year in Jesus name.
From now on all my investments and labor since the beginning of my career and ministry will begin to yield their full profit in Jesus name.
In every tight situation, let my tithe provoke heavenly solution in Jesus name.
This week my past generosity will spring forth a pleasant surprise in Jesus name.
Throughout this year, none of my resources shall be wasted on medical bills or any form of profitless venture in Jesus name.
Satan will not receive the backing of heaven to wipe out my financial resources with evil erosion in Jesus name.
Whosoever looks up to me for help this year will not be disappointed. I shall have enough to satisfy my needs and plenty to give to others in need in Jesus name.
I receive deliverance from the bondage of doubt and fear that past failures and misfortune has introduced into my life in Jesus name.
I receive the required courage to step into the greatness God has ordained for me in Jesus name.
I submit to the leadership of God’s Spirit and I receive the backing of heaven to breakthrough and succeed in all my undertakings in Jesus name.
I receive the favorable countenance of God, therefore Heaven will agree with all my steps of faith and God’s will shall prosper in my hands.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen!.
I refuse to submit my courage to frustration. God will send me encouragement today; I will be energized to continue the race in Jesus name.
Original Prayer By “Good Testimony”
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