What Are The Rules Of The Prayer Of Faith

What Are The Rules Of The Prayer Of Faith 


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Let’s Pray

The Bible seems to indicate that certain “rules” ought to govern and inform our prayer. A first is faith: we must passionately believe that God can do what we are asking for. A second is forgiveness: if we want the grace of God to flow to and through us, we must remove the resentments and angers that block it. And third is praying in Jesus’ name: when we ask things of God we should do so in the stance and spirit of his Son.

The Holy Spirit is concerned with our progress as believers.  There are three basic arenas where progress is made:  

In the Secret Place,

In Public Worship,

And in our Daily Craftsmanship as men and women of God.  

When I wrote about prayer in the first century (Fire and Form #108) and about prayer as taught by Jesus and the Apostles (Fire and Form #’s 104, 105) I established that praying the scriptures was a common and important part of the prayer-lives of the first followers of Jesus.  Reciting scriptures as prayer, as well as adapting and paraphrasing them, is returning to the contemporary church.

This ancient form of prayer moves us forward in faith. We all know that “…faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom 10:17 NKJV).  

In the prayer closet and in the sanctuary we need to hear the Word of God in our ears by our own mouths!  In the Secret Place, we need to rehearse the revelation of who the Bible says God is.  To have a larger vision of God, pray the scriptures that describe Him! In the Public Place we need to proclaim with the saints the manifold wisdom of God.  We have been called out of darkness into His marvelous light for that very purpose.  

In the marketplace and the workplace we need to proclaim with our attitudes and actions, our character and conduct that we confess Christ.  We live by the principles of another Kingdom as the works of our hands, the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts proclaim the excellence of our King every day. 

By the rule of prayer, by singing and praying what we all believe at home, at church and with the quiet eloquence of holiness at work, the walls of hostility between us will begin to crumble.  Youth will connect with the aged, black with white, rich with poor, and learned with unlearned because we hold our beliefs in common and we express them with prayers that we all hold in common, even if the sound of music is different.

Our predecessors, the worship leaders of the ancient church, had the joy of seeing the Lord make “one holy nation” out of Jews and Greeks, rich and poor, slave and free. One of the methods they used was the “rule of prayer is the rule of faith.”   They used the scriptures and they also used confessions and creeds.  Protestants sometimes fear creeds as Roman Catholic or high church, but they were used by the fathers long before the church was Romanized or otherwise divided.  

Scholars believe the New Testament itself contains common confessions, perhaps as hymns, known to believers throughout the ancient world.As Pentecostals we need not shrink back from confessions in worship. They are a part of God’s plan for building the local church as a community of faith. We do not confess the Apostles’ Creed, the Doxology, or the Gloria Patri to gain God’s favor, but to reaffirm our common faith and doctrines.


In Jesus’ Name. Amen!.

We need worship content that is not generational..So if you need to believe for something from God or if your congregation needs to grasp a Word from the Lord for this time and place, lead them in the confession of that truth.  We believe what we have prayed.


Original Prayer By “Ministry Journey Online”

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