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On Sunday, September 2nd, we were blessed with the opportunity to dedicate our new facility on Dustin Rd. Exactly one year to the day of our beginning demolition, we rejoiced and prayed over this space. A building is just a building. It’s a tool. It is not the Church, but instead an opportunity for this gather community (called the Church) to better serve our world. We are excited about the future of the city of Oregon and cannot wait to live into our role here.
Below was the litany that we vocalized during this service.
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Litany of Dedication
With praise and thanksgiving, let us pray to God, who accomplishes all things: Eternal God and Creator of all things, we give you the highest praise for the good work you do among us.
Praise and thanks and honor and glory be to you, O Lord.
For our baptism in faith, for your forgiveness of our sins, for the founding of Fireside Church and for your sustaining it by your gracious hand:
We offer our heartfelt thanks, O Lord.
For the unity of the Holy Spirit, for love and grace of Jesus our Lord, which gives us our mission to love God and love people with all that we are.
We offer our heartfelt thanks, O Lord.
For those you inspired with this vision, for those who helped bring it about with their knowledge and gifts and for those who contributed their sweat and labor
We offer our heartfelt thanks, O Lord.
For the worship of God, for the sharing of the Good News of God’s love in Jesus, for the transformation of all people through hope, for the blessed Table of Jesus where all are welcome, for the nurturing of persons of all ages and for the furthering of the Kingdom
We dedicate this building.
For the welcoming and blessing of ALL people, as we do life together: for the sanctifying of home and family life, for the comfort of those who grieve, for strength for those who are undergoing trials, for counsel, encouragement and the nurturing of this community.
We dedicate this building.
For the cultivating of love toward all people, for essential unity and partnership with all believers; for fostering good citizenship, for resisting evil, for promoting virtue and justice in public life, for missionary endeavors at home and abroad, for transformation and discipleship, until the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord.
We dedicate this building.
Inspire each of us by the vision for mission in this place that helped to found this church.
We dedicate our lives to your service.
Inspire each of us by your continued presence in our lives and kindle a flame in our hearts through Jesus.
We dedicate our lives to your service.
Empower us to reach out to the poor and needy, the sick and the dying, who so need the Good News of your love
We dedicate our lives to your service.
Use us as living examples of the Jesus in the world, bringing forth good fruits, that your Kingdom would come in this place.
We dedicate our lives to your service.
Use us to proclaim your holy name and to touch people’s lives through our example and faith with the life-giving Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We dedicate our lives to your service.
Holy God, Creator Lord, you bless us in so many ways with your gifts, and in particular you bless us with the gift of this new house of prayer and study. As we come and go from this place, may we know your presence always, find consolation for our weary hearts, and be empowered by your Holy Word and Sacraments to go forth to serve you in the world, that your name might be glorified and your kingdom increased; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.