How To Be Delivered From Spirit Of Violence
Prayer Points: how to be delivered from spirit of violence, prayer for domestic violence victims, prayers for healing domestic abuse, prayer for protection from violence, ways to fight domestic violence, how do you pray to a family member fighting for their life, how do you pray toxic people out of your life, what is a strong prayer for family protection, how do I pray for God to fight my battles, what to pray when your family turns against you, what is the best way to pray for someone, how do you pray in difficult situations, how to escape domestic violence, best way to deal with domestic violence, how to be delivered from spirit of violence, how do you pray to end violence, what does it mean to be violent in the spirit, how can I be delivered by God, what are the signs of spiritual disturbance, prayer to end violence and hatred, prayer for the violence to stop in our cities, prayer for victims of violence, prayer against crime and violence, prayer to stop the killing, prayer against violence in schools, prayer for violence to stop, violent prayers.
Let’s Pray
You overcome violent spirits by violent faith and warfare prayers. You must resist this forces by a die hard faith in the word of God and intense warfare prayers.The devil will always flee from your life when he meets fierce resistance. These warfare prayers to destroy the forces of violent spirits is your spritual weapon to scatter every violent spirits fighting your destiny. Today,through this warfare prayers, you are going to pursue the devil, overtake him and take back everything that he has stolen from you. You shall be taking it back sevenfold in Jesus Christ name. Your deliverance have come.
Father, I thank You for giving me power over dark forces in Jesus Christ name
Father, forgive me all my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness in Jesus Christ name
I destroy the gates of violent spirits working against me in Jesus Christ name.
I pull down every stronghold of violent spirits in Jesus Christ name
I dismantle all the forces of violent spirits in Jesus Christ name.
I crush the head of every violent spirits in Jesus Christ name.
I arise and take my possessions by force now in Jesus Christ name.
Every demonic chain holding my destiny scatter by fire in Jesus Christ name.
Every grave cloths fighting my destiny, i burn you to ashes now in Jesus Christ name.
I silence every evil pronouncement over my life in Jesus Christ name.
Every negative prayer targetted against me backfire by fire in Jesus Christ name.
Every ancestral chain holding my life be scattered by fire in Jesus Christ name.
I disconnect myself from every demonic attachment in Jesus Christ name.
I release myself from every ancestral cage in Jesus Christ name.
Oh Lord, multiply my breakthroughs in Jesus Christ name.
Every evil plantation in my body, be flushed out in Jesus Christ name.
Every covenant made with my placenta be consumed by fire now in Jesus Christ name.
Every herbalist working against me be destroyed now in Jesus Christ name.
Every stubborn enemies in my life, attack yourselves now in Jesus Christ name.
I terminate afflictions in my life in Jesus Christ name.
I terminate sicknesses in my life in Jesus Christ name.
I terminate poverty in my life in Jesus Christ name.
Every goodness that has passed me by, return now in Jesus Christ name.
I destroy the devourer in my life in Jesus Christ name.
Foundatonal hardship, be destroyed in Jesus Christ name.
Every evil cycle of hardship, be broken in Jesus Christ name.
I reject backwardness in my life in Jesus Christ name.
This is my year of supernatural speed of progress in Jesus Christ name.
I declare that i am delivered in Jesus Christ name.
I declare that i am free in Jesus Christ name
Thank You Jesus Christ.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen!.
Domestic violence and abuse is about control and enslavement, but the Lord is all about deliverance, freedom and peace. Never doubt the power of prayer and God’s ability to protect and heal those who are suffering as a result of violence, both silently and out loud.
Original Prayer By “Everyday Prayer Guide”
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