Prayer against swimming in the dream tags: biblical meaning of swimming in a dream, dream about swimming in a river with someone, dream of swimming, prayer against death dreams, prayer against eating in the dream by olukoya, swimming pool dream meaning bible, dream of prayer, dream of swimming in green water, swimming in the sea dream meaning, swimming in dirty water dream, biblical meaning of flooding water in a dream, prophetic meaning of ocean.
Powerful prayer against swimming in the dream
I regularly dream swimming in the ocean or other bodies of the water. Man of God what could be the meaning of this dream?
In Psalm 124:1-6 says,”If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, now may Israel say; If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when men rose up against us: Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us: Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul: Then the proud waters had gone over our soul. Blessed be the LORD, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth”. The meaning of swimming in the river through your dream is a proof that you belong to the marine spirit. The marine spirit is capable of putting your life in bondage. This dream means that the marine spirits are planning to perform unfortunate things in your life. Swimming in the dream is a spiritual trap. These are also a sign oppression, afflictions, and attacks. Swimming in the river is a major weapon of the marine spirit that stand as a form of covenant between you and the spirit husband or wife. It is a means used by the enemy to make things difficult for you in the areas of your marriage etc. You can command the evil river to dry up by the power in the blood of Jesus. It is dangerous when you do not make any attempt to swim out of the river in the dream. However, you need to practice prayers of deliverance and restoration.
Deuteronomy 23:5 says, Nevertheless the LORD thy God would not heaven unto Balsam; but the LORD thy God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee, because the LORD thy God loved thee.
Another reason when you find yourself swimming in the dream is because the curse of the wicked is in operation in your life and destiny. If you are a child of God, you need to convert the curse to a blessing. If by chance somebody curses you and you are a child of God, the curse will backfire but if you are not a born again, it will affect you. However, if this dream is constant, it could result to this underlisted factors.
These are following signs you should observe if this dream becomes so frequent
1. Allowing false prophet, pastors to lay their hands on you whenever prayer is in place
2. Having sexual feelings with men (women)
3. Through evil ancestral covenant
4. Visiting herbalists or white garment churches
5. Wrong place of birth
6. Dedication to the water spirit
7. Through bathed with polluted water
8. Your parents gave you water from the river to drink when you were small. They called it “holy water ” but God called it evil waters.
9. Faulty foundation
10. Your placenta was buried in the waters. It fell into the hands of marine powers because it was not properly disposed of. The proper way to dispose of it is to burn it.
1. Attack by marine snakes.
2. Constant hardship and disappointment
3. Prayers and fasting become very difficult.
4. It leads people into spiritual marriage which have terrible repercussions.
5. It causes delay and difficulty in getting married and failure in earthly marriage.
6. Cause poverty as they confiscate your money and bank it under the waters.
7. Encounters with spirit spouse and spirit children.
8. Miscarriages and barrenness.
9. Unexplainable hindrances to progress.
10. Uncontrollable sexual urges
11. Unexplainable failure where there should be success particularly after evil sex encounters in the dream.
1. Repent from all known sins and flee rebellion.
2. Surrender your life to and rededicate your life to God.
3. Repent and restitute if necessary.
4. Renounce and break all evil initiations and dedications.
5. Raise prayer altars against them. Bombarding prayers is required here.
6. Ensure you are living a holy life and that you do not have their materials in your possession. T
7. Employ your spiritual weapons to battle them including the name of Jesus, the sword of the Lord, lightning, thunder, and tempest.
8. Go for deliverance periodically to ensure that they do not regroup against you.
INSTRUCTION: Embark on 7 days fasting and prayers from 6am – 6pm using Psalm 8, Luke 10:19, Genesis 1:6-7
1. Every delay programmed into my marriage from the water kingdom, your mission is over, die in Jesus name.
2. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I renounce every evil covenants between me and evil powers in water kingdom, in the name of Jesus.
3. Any evil covenant signed with my the blood of my birth with water powers, by the blood of Jesus, break and release me now, in the name of Jesus
4. Any evil covenant signed on my behalf with water powers, by the blood of Jesus, break and release me now, in the name of Jesus
5. Any evil covenant signed by myself with water powers, by the blood of Jesus, break and release me now, in the name of Jesus
6. Marine powers, claiming ownership over my life, be unseated by fire, in the name of Jesus
7. Legal hold of marine powers over my life, by the blood of Jesus, be rendered impotent, in the name of Jesus
8. Marine witchcraft property in my possession, catch fire and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus Christ
9. Any witchcraft practice under any water against my life, receive immediate judgment of fire, in the name of Jesus.
10. Like the altar of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, altars of the marine powers, speaking against my life, , scatter by fire
11. Every priest ministering on marine altars against me, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus
12. Any power under any river or sea, remotely-controlling my life, be destroyed by fire, and I shake myself loose from your hold, in the name of Jesus.
13. Marine witchcraft mirrors monitoring mirror me, receive the hammer of fire, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
14. Covenants between me and spirit husband/wife or child through my dreams break by the blood of Jesus.
15. Agents of marine witchcraft physically attached to my marriage to frustrate it, receive disgrace in the name of Jesus Christ
16. Stronghold of bewitchment, enchantment, jinx or divination fashion against me by marine witches, I pull you down, in the names of Jesus.
17. Verdicts and decisions from marine witchcraft covens against my life, become null and void in the name of Jesus.
18.You that marine witchcraft holding any of my blessings in bondage, I pollute your water now, with the blood of Jesus, release them by fire, in Jesus Name.
19. I loose my mind and soul from the control and manipulation of marine witches in the name of Jesus.
20. Marine witchcraft chains binding my hands and feet from
prospering, I shake you by fire off in the name of Jesus (shake your two hands and legs vigorously).
21.Every arrow shot into my life from under any water by witchcraft powers, come out of me and go back to your sender in the name of Jesus.
22. Any evil material transferred into my body through
contact with any marine witchcraft agent be roasted by fire in the name of Jesus
23. Every sexual pollution of marine spirit husband/wife in my body, be flushed out by the blood of Jesus
24. Any evil name given to me under any water, I reject it and cancel it with the blood of Jesus
25. Every image constructed under any water to manipulate me, be roasted by fire in the name of Jesus
26. Any evil ever done against me through marine witchcraft oppression and manipulation, be reversed by the blood of Jesus.
27. I recover by fire, every of my blessings, virtues and testimonies held bound underwater, in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank God for answer prayers.
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