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Powerful Prayer For Cheating Boyfriend
When your heart is broken into a million pieces and your world feels like it’s completely unraveled, it can be difficult to see the light that is waiting at the end of the tunnel. Don’t waste your time questioning why infidelity has ruined your relationship. Don’t waste time beating yourself up and questioning what is wrong with you. Instead raise your head up high and face the world because anything and everything that you will need to overcome the unfaithfulness will be supplied by God. He knows what you will need to survive. He knows what it will take for you to truly feel complete again. Have faith in His actions and be patient. Try to remember and keep the notion in your hindsight that everything truly happens for a reason.
Heavenly Father,
We come to you now in humbleness and a sincere heart. Please go forth on and let your plans prevail. May the cheating boyfriend/father stop at this instance and realize his wrongs. May you make him to see know and do what’s right. Lord let nothing feel comfortable to the man doing this and not realizing he is hurting more than the woman but the children also. Please remove ALL ungodly and unnecessary individuals out of his life permanently and replace with people that would coach guide and support him in the proper direction you have ordained. At this moment, please STOP all if his unrighteous ways. Instantantly. Without Fail. Heal the hurting woman and children involved. And allow the man to come and apologize privately and publicly. Thank you Heavenly Father. I believe and receive this to be done in your name Jesus Christ!
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