Prayer Points For Breaking Chains


Tags: breaking the chains of darkness, chain prayer points, prayer points for breaking invisible barriers, prayer points against hindrances, prayer points against hindering spirits, prayer to remove blockages, warfare prayer against spirit of delay and frustration, prayer against opposition, breaking the chains of wickedness, prayer against distractions.


There are many things that we have allowed to bind us in chains – spiritually and physically. Some things, we are very much aware and others we have no clue at all.  Each of us has some kind of chains in our lives that needs to be broken. Our chains can be either physical, habitual or spiritual. No matter the form of chains we may have in our lives, the good news is that God is always ready to set us free.  

Many of us are faced with challenges that we only wonder if there are solutions. We all have different habits from childhood, which some of us have tried to break, but they seemed impossible to deal with. Many people have vowed never to carry the same attitudes or share in the behaviours of their parents, only to discover later that they are also exhibiting the same lifestyle and even passing on such habits to their own children. According to several testimonies I have come across, many of the chains that have bound some of us are generational. There are many things we struggle to break in our lives that can only take the working of the power of God to address.  

Each of us has an inner desire for a real change. In some people’s lives, they could be struggling with drug addictions. Some people maybe be struggling with lying, deceiving or even stealing. Some people may also be struggling with procrastination, laziness, idleness or whatever the case maybe.  

I want to challenge you here by asking you these questions:

Do you have known challenges in your life?
Have you prayed about it?
Have you asked anyone to pray with you about it?
The Bible is full of examples of powerful prayers that turned different people’s situations or circumstances around. Like the cases of Hannah who prayed for a child, Solomon who prayed for wisdom. We also have to look at Moses who prayed and God spared the lives of the people of Israel from judgement. You may think that you are not as powerful as those names we have just mentioned? But I want you to understand that they were only ordinary people who believed in an extraordinary God. The truth is that you and I are ordinary people just like them! If we can believe in that same God and trust Him to answer our prayers, our prayers will move mountains. That same God never changes, and He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  

He is the God who delivers and saves — the God of all possibilities!

He is the God who heals and sets the captives free.  

According to the Book of Acts Chapter 12, Apostle Peter was arrested and confined to prison, and the Church prayed earnestly for his release. While asleep, an angel of the LORD appeared to him and broke his chain and set him free. The people of God prayed for Apostle Peter, and the chains that bound him fell off.  

The Bible recorded another account about a man named Jabez. By interpretation or translation the name Jabez means pain! The Bible showed that he was more honourable than his brother, however, his mother named him Jabez because she bore him in pain.

Do you know the circumstances surrounding your birth? Many of us have been bound due to the names that our parents gave us.  Nothing really good can come out of a person’s life that is called or dedicated to pain. I urge you to get to the source or origin of your name — change it today if it connotes a negative meaning.

When Jabez came to realization that his name had been his chain for many years, he called on the name of the LORD GOD to bless him and enlarge his coast and to keep him from harm. God granted him his request. He prayed, believed God and God set him free. You have to know that you need prayers for address stubborn issues that are antagonizing and stagnating your progress or hindering your prosperity in life. This is a conscious effort that you must deliberately embark upon.  

It does not matter if your chain is a result of your past or present!  Or whether it is the chain of anger, depression, unforgiveness, fornication, discouragement, stealing, lies, adultery, cheating, low self-esteem, rejection, untruthfulness, addiction, lack of faith, pornography, worry, and broken marriages, etc. The question is, are you ready and willing to allow God to break these chains off your life?  

Matthew 21:22 says, we can pray and ask God for anything and if we have faith – or if we trust Him, we shall receive. There are some chains that we need to combine fasting with prayers. Matthew 17:21 says “However this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. Some persistent or aggressive problems will require combined prayer and fasting to experience our breakthrough. We need to understand the importance of prayer and fasting. They are tools that every Christian must learn to use to recover what the enemy has taken away or stolen from him or her.

I pray that you are moved in your spirit by this article to stand up in defiant courage against every chain of restriction, constraint, affliction, bad luck, setback, poverty, hopelessness and helplessness in your life today. I pray that you will rise up and defy any obstacle or stronghold that is causing you pain or holding you back against your purpose and destiny.  

By faith, say these Prayer Points: I believe the God that parted the red sea for the Israelites to cross over and the God who enlarged the coast of Jabez and changed his name will come through for you and speedil
y answer your prayers in the mighty name of Jesus.

Give thanks to the Lord because He is the bondage breaker and the Great healer
Oh God arise and inject the blood of Jesus into my blood stream, in the name of Jesus
Let the blood of Jesus purge every defilement away from my life, in the name of Jesus.
Any curse operating upon any organ of my body, I command you to break in the name of Jesus.
Any tree that the Father has not planted inside my body, I command you to be uprooted now by fire in the name of Jesus.
My Father, let my maximum last year become my minimum this year, in Jesus mighty name.
I shall not die because of my problems in the mighty name of Jesus.
O thou that troubleth my life, the God of Elijah shall trouble you today.
I shall not die unfruitful and unfulfilled, in Jesus name.
My Father, carry out a divine surgery in my life that will move my life forward in the name of Jesus.
My Father, visit my foundation and break every root cause of my problems in the mighty name of Jesus.
I command every chains of infirmity to break in the name of Jesus.
Every inherited chains, break in the name of Jesus

Every chain of failure, I command you to break by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.