Prayer Points To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit


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Prayer Points To Be Filled With The Gift & Fruits of The Holy Spirit

1.      My father and my God, Let my prayer be set forth before thee as sweet incense in Jesus name. (Psalm 141:2)

2.      Father, forgive me of every conscious and unconscious sin in Jesus name.

3.      Blood of Jesus, cleanse me from every defilement in Jesus name.

4.      O God arise and do a new thing in my life and ministry in Jesus name. (Isaiah 43:19)

5.      O God arise and let new things spring forth in my life and ministry in Jesus name. (Isaiah 43:19)

6.      Every thing around and within me, that my father has not planted, be uprooted in Jesus name.

7.      Jesus, you are the vine and I am the branch, I draw every good fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit from you in Jesus name. (John 15:5)

8.      Spirit of the living God, rest upon me in power in Jesus name in Jesus name. (Isaiah 11:2)

9.      Oh God arise and fill me with your spirit of wisdom in Jesus name. (Isaiah 11:2)

10.  Oh God arise and fill me with your spirit of understanding in Jesus name. (Isaiah 11:2)

11.  Oh God arise and fill me with your spirit of counsel in Jesus name. (Isaiah 11:2)

12.  Oh God arise and fill me with your spirit of might in Jesus name. (Isaiah 11:2)

13.  Oh God arise and fill me with your spirit of knowledge in Jesus name. (Isaiah 11:2)

14.  Holy Spirit fill me with the fear of the LORD in Jesus name. (Isaiah 11:3)

15.  Oh God arise and fill me with your spirit of discernment in Jesus name. (Isaiah 11:3)

16.  Oh God arise and fill me with your power in Jesus name. (Rev 5:12)

17.  Oh God arise and fill me with your riches in Jesus name. (Rev 5:12)

18.  Oh God arise and fill me with your wisdom in Jesus name. Rev 5:12

19.  Oh God arise and fill me with your strength in Jesus name. Rev 5:12

20.  Oh God arise and fill me with your honor in Jesus name. Rev 5:12

21.  Oh God arise and fill me with your glory in Jesus name. (Rev 5:12)

22.  Oh God arise and fill me with your blessing in Jesus name. Rev 5:12

23.  Oh God arise and empower me to prosper in Jesus name. (Rev 5:12)

24.  Oh God arise and give me The Gifts of Serving through the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.

25.  Oh God arise and give me The Gifts of Exhortation.

26.  Oh God arise and give me The Gifts Of Leadership

27.  Oh God arise and give me The Gifts Of Compassion

28.  Oh God arise and give me The Gifts Of Giving

29.  Oh God arise and give me The Gifts Of Hospitality

30.  Oh God arise and give me The Gifts of Helps

31.  Oh God arise and give me The Gifts Of Writing

32.  Oh God arise and give me The Gifts of Administration.

33.  Oh God arise and give me The Gifts of visitation

34.  Oh God arise and give me The Gifts of ushering

35.  Oh God arise and give me The Gifts of music

36.  Oh God arise and give me The Gift of Dream and Vision Interpretation

37.  Oh God arise and fill me with your Apostolic anointing in Jesus name. Ephesians 4:7-12

38.  Holy Ghost arise and fill me with your Prophetic anointing in Jesus name. Ephesians 4:7-12

39.  Holy Ghost arise fill me with your Evangelist anointing in Jesus name. Ephesians 4:7-12

40.  Holy Ghost arise fill me with your Pastoral anointing in Jesus name. Ephesians 4:7-12

41.  Holy Ghost arise and fill me with your Teaching anointing in Jesus name. Ephesians 4:7-12

42.  York breaking anointing, fall upon me and my ministry in Jesus name

43.  Holy Ghost arise and fill me with your Revelation Gifts of Word of Wisdom  in Jesus name. 1st Corinthian 12:8

44.  Holy Ghost arise and fill me with your Revelation Gifts of Word of Knowledge in Jesus name. 1st Corinthian 12:8

45.  Holy Ghost arise and fill me with your Revelation Gifts of Discerning of Spirits  in Jesus name. 1st Corinthian 12:10

46.  Holy Ghost arise and fill me with your Power Gifts of Faith  in Jesus name. 1st Corinthian 12:9

47.  Holy Ghost arise and fill me with your Power Gifts of Healings  in Jesus name. 1 Corinthian 12:2-11

48.  Holy Ghost arise and fill me with your Power Gifts of Miracles in Jesus name. 1 Corinthian 12:2-11

49.  Holy Ghost arise and fill me with your Inspiration Gifts of Prophecy in Jesus name. Romans. 12:4-8

50.  Holy Ghost arise and fill me with your Inspiration Gifts of Diverse Tongues in Jesus name. 1 Corinthian 14:14.)

51.  Holy Ghost arise and fill me with your Inspiration Gifts of Interpretation of Tongues in Jesus name. 1 Corinthian 12:2-11

52.  My life and ministry, begin to manifest the fruit of Love through the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. (Galatians 5:22)

53.  My life and ministry, begin to manifest the fruit of Joy through the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. (Galatians 5:22)

54.  My life and ministry, begin to manifest the fruit of peace by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. (Galatians 5:22)

55.  My life and ministry, begin to manifest the fruit of patience by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. (Galatians 5:22)

56.  My life and ministry, begin to manifest the fruit of kindness by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. (Galatians 5:22)

57.  My life and ministry, begin to manifest the fruit of goodness by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. (Galatians 5:22)

58.  My life and ministry, begin to manifest the fruit of faithfulness by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. (Galatians 5:22)

59.  My life and ministry, begin to manifest the fruit of gentleness by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. (Galatians 5:22)

60.  My life and ministry, begin to manifest the fruit of self control by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. (Galatians 5:22)

61.  I shall not die unfulfilled in Jesus name.

62.  My father and my God, bring all my prayers to pass at the right time in Jesus name. (Isaiah 60:22).

63.  O Lord arise in Jesus name and answer all my prayers. (Psalm 20:5)


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