Prayer Points On Sowing And Reaping


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Prayer Points On Sowing And Reaping

Powerful Prayer Points On Sowing And Reaping


1. SEED SOWING unlocks heaven for prayers to be answered if done faithfully eg. sowing all u have or sowing major part of what u have.
2. SEED SOWING is one of the giving that is Biblical and mentioned more times in the Bible than tithe or any other form of giving.
3. You are frustrated because you keep waiting for answers to prayers you have not SOW the SACRIFICIAL SEED.
4. The season of failure is the best time to SOW SEED of success.
5. Tithe is based on tenth of what you earn but SEED and HARVEST is determined by what quantity you sow and how good is the ground where it is sown.
6. You can’t be careless by SOWING seed everywhere, remember some grounds are bad, some are desert and others are full of thorns but when you want to SOW, it must be done where God leads you.
7. When you are in problems and the challenges seems too difficult to be solved by ordinary thinking or a particular theory, that is when you need to SOW your last effort as SEED unto God and trust me He will surely REWARD you bountifully.
8. There is a theory most people don’t know about seed sowing which the Lord has revealed to us in Gen. 26:12. SOW where you want Him to bless you.
9. A lot of people keep complaining about what they earn but instead, check what you SOW from what you have with you then you will realize you are harvesting exactly the measure at which you SOW.
10. If you are still expecting a testimony of greatness that you have not received, it could be that you are not asking according to God’s will or you are not SOWING enough to provoke response from Heaven.

Everyone who sow seed according to biblical principles surely will reap a great reward, but if you don’t get any reward then check d value of your seed and the motives of your heart. FINALLY, only the wise Christians listen n digest the advice of seed sowing, Ignorant call it extortion.
Eccl. 11:6 says “ In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both [shall be] alike good. ”

I pray that HEAVEN WILL release into your heart what you are holding onto that u need to sow for the challenges in your life to be over in Jesus name.

Source: Pastor Amos Fenwa

Hosea 8:7: For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: he hath no standing grain; the blade shall yield no meal; if so be it yield, strangers shall swallow it up.

Life is a cycle of sowing and reaping. You should be careful what you sow so that you might reap the right things.

Monetary sowing

There is sowing needed when it comes to financial increase. Jesus says that we should give because then as it shall be given to us, and that the measure with which we use, the same will be used for us, meaning that you are your own limit (Luke 6:38).

There is a sowing of doing things for God.

To the woman who was called sinner by the Pharisee, who broke an alabaster box on the feet of Jesus, and cleaned them with her hair. Ror reward Jesus said that there is no where the gospel message of Jesus, the message of the kingdom, across the world is preach that what she did would not be a reference point (Mark 14:1-9).

Paul said that God is not unrighteous to forget your labour of love (Hebrews 6:9-10). Your activity for the sake of his name is sowing and you will reap the harvest.

Time spent learning spiritual things, is also sowing.

Mary, Martha’s sister, sowed time to be at the feet of Jesus (Luke 10:38-42). She listened to his wisdom and that marked her for distinction. Time spent learning was not wasted. The fifteen minutes or so that you invest in reading the bible daily is sowing, because the bible says that God’s word is seed (Mark 4:14). (And there is the harvest of righteousness waiting for you [Galatians 6:7-10].) You could have used that time to do some other things, carrying out the pleasure of the flesh (1Timothy 5:6), but you chose to bury your nose in the word. That is redeeming the time (Ephesians 5:15-16), making the finiteness of time count for the infiniteness of the knowledge of God.

When you stand to preach, you are sowing into the life of the people.

And what you seek to reap are changed lives. Jesus gave the parable of a sower and as a minister of the word you are that sower (Mark 4:14). Remember that what you sow is the word of God and not human opinion, not antagonism, not complains and murmurings, not criticism, not fault-finding, but the word of God. You are not supposed to sow rancor, or fighting, bitterness, un-forgiveness, divisions; you are sowing the word of God, injecting the people with the thoughts of God (Isaiah 55:8-9).

Therefore before you sow, you need to have it clear in your mind what you aim to achieve. And when you sow even if it is good ground, you need time for what is sown to spring forth in truthful living in the lives of the people.

As a messenger of God you are to deliver the word of God. Paul, referring to the Christians in Corinth says they are God’s field, while he and Apollo are fellow workers with God (1Corinthians 3:6-9). Therefore as God’s fellow worker, you are only given the opportunity to contribute for some time to the field of God (through the means of his word), to bring in the increase that God wants.

Your contributions to other people’s lives is also what you are sowing,

As mentioned earlier, the bible says that God is not unrighteous to forget your labour of love, in your ministration, in acts of kindness to the saints. All acts of kindness are sowing acts; acts of unkindness too.

The bible says that he who gives to the poor lends to the Lord and God will repay (Proverbs 19:7). When you exhibit acts of oppression, you are also sowing seeds. The bible records that as long as the earth remains seed time and harvest would not cease (Genesis 8:22).

The bible also says that a good name is better than silver and gold (Proverbs 22:1), and that does not come about but by consistency in sowing good seeds in the lives of those around you, making positive contributions.

Jesus himself was a sower, it can be inferred from the scriptures that he takes it as very important to sow into the livese of the needy (John 13:27-29). He had a purse from which he sometimes takes money to give to the poor.

Jesus, moved by compassion, decided to provide food for multitudes coming after him and that he miraculously did (Matthew 14:15-21).

We should be ready to do good, especially to those of the household of faith (Galatians 6:10). We are not supposed to set out to use our fellow Christians, but be of use to them. The bible says God will not forget, he will surely reward you.

Jesus said that whatever you do to the brethren, you are doing it to him (Matthew 25:31-46). He mentioned visitation, hospitality, giving of food and drink. In a sense, what Jesus was encouraging is that we sow into other people’s lives positive things, meeting their felt needs, and by so doing, we are doing the same to Christ, the king; and we will receive a king’s reward; and as God, he would give us eternal reward. No kidding! Therefore be careful what you sow.

Jesus said that the second commandment is to love our neighbor as yourself (Luke 10:27-42), do to others want them to do to you (Matthew 7:12).

Isn’t that what God wants? If so, then there is reward for obedience and reprimand for disobedience. God, who is the one who set in order, the “sowing and reaping” arrangement, uses it to regulate human activities. The possibility of recompense, of consequence, (at least) either in guilt or excitement, help regulate things.

The bible says that the one who waters will be watered himself (Proverbs 11:25). Paul remembers those who have helped him and prayed specially that God would repay them, while for those who harm him he asked for just recompense (2Timothy 4:15, 2Thessalonians 1:6, 2Timothy 1:16-18).

Paul also admonished the Corinthian Christians to contribute financially to the need of others, saying that he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully and those who sow sparingly will and reap in the same measure (2Corinthians 9:6).

As I quoted before, Jesus said when we give, it shall be given to us, therefore don’t allow the bad experience you’ve had in the area of giving to cause you to shut your bowel of mercies, to recalibrate your brain and cause you to reject the path of giving. Or maybe it is the experience of lack that you have had that has made you enter the cage of stinginess.

We should be like our father in heaven who is generous to all (Matthew 5:45, Acts 14:17).



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